Get your favorite Oloorea beauty signatures: facials, body waxing, facial waxing, brow services and more at the new Oloorea location in the MacArthur Annex! We also have a weekly Pop-Up Brow Bar on Thursdays, in both SF and Oakland.
MacArthur Annex
Full Service Facials, Waxing, Brows and more...
644 40th Street, Suite 301
Oakland, CA
Wednesday: 11:00-7:00
Friday: 10:00-7:00
Saturday: 9:00-5:00
Thursday Brow Pop-Ups
Oloorea is a company based on the belief that a skin care ritual is an important factor in your health. We place an emphasis on clean, natural products that remain results oriented while not inviting harmful chemicals into your body. The services we provide are meant to make you look and feel your best, the way nature intended.
Owner, Michaela Thyberg is a licensed esthetician with an extensive background in human biology and nutrition.